DIY Skincare

DIY cuticle softener

DIY cuticle softener

Today, I want to share with you a simple recipe for nail and cuticle care. I have noticed that my hands were getting drier due to the cold and frequent washing to comply with the measures of hygiene and safety. For this reason, I decided to make a natural remedy to nourish and strengthen my nails and cuticles. This remedy is also ideal for nails damaged or weakened by nail art and due to repeat applications of nail polish. Since, I was asked to share also natural remedies with ingredients that can be found at home, in this post I will show you two recipes of low and medium difficulty. Ready? Let’s start making a DIY cuticle softener!

DIY natural face masks pumpkin

4 DIY natural face masks recipes with pumpkin

As temperatures get colder and colder, our skin risks becoming drier every day. To prevent it from losing its natural moisture, I have made a series of face masks to take care of it, giving it the right moisture and protection.
In this post, I want to show you how with just one ingredient you can create up to 4 face masks! Read on and you will find out my 4 DIY natural face masks recipes with pumpkin! What better ingredient than the symbol of autumn?!

DIY basil face mask

DIY basil face mask

Basil is among the herbs I love the most. This year the basil plant on my balcony has grown so much and besides preparing pesto I had to invent something else to use it. I asked my Instagram followers what they would like to see between a basil tonic or a basil mask and the second option won out. In this article, I will show you my DIY recipe for a basil face mask.

body lotion for summer with aloe vera

Skincare for summer | DIY Body lotion with 2 ingredients

When the days get hot taking a cold shower or looking for the shade of some trees is a relief. When temperatures soar, our skin starts to dry out but moisturizing it can become problematic. How many of you are willing to spread oils and butter after a refreshing shower with outside 35-40 °C (95-104 °F)? I’m not one of them. In summer, I need something to hydrate my skin without greasing it. That’s why I created a simple DIY body lotion for summer using only two ingredients: aloe vera gel and sweet almond oil, very simple and effective. I’ve been using it for about a month and I decided to share it with you because it’s really top quality!

bath salts rainbow

Relaxing bath salts| DIY Rainbow project

June is the month dedicated to LGBT pride. It was chosen to commemorate the Stonewall uprisings. Violent clashes between the LGBT community and the police that took place in June 1969. This year I also wanted to create something to celebrate the LGBT community. I created rainbow-themed relaxing bath salts. A quick and easy DIY project as a symbol of equality and respect for others! Because no matter if the grain of salt is big or small, green or blue, they are (and we are) all part of the same rainbow: the rainbow of respect and equality!

men's face moisturizer

Men’s face moisturizer

Hi, beauties! Do you know what I realized? That although I make a lot of products for my husband, I have never shared them on my blog. I’ve been concentrating a lot on women’s skincare products. I don’t know exactly why but I want to make it up to you! Today, I want to make men’s face moisturizer.