Hi guys, today I would like to talk about my last hand-cream “Pure & Basic – Hand creme“. I found it in a German discount. The price of this cream is really low, just a few euros.
Some months ago, I bought this hand cream with extract of chamomile and beeswax. Honestly, I used it just to hydrate my hands before going to sleep and it was pretty good.
Actually, I’m reviewing this hand cream to talk about the INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) of the products and discuss about some of them.

Here I’m attaching the list of ingredients that the cream contains:

It is important to say that the list of ingredients is not random but it is according to the amount that are contained in the cream. So, the first ingredients will be in a bigger amount compared to the last one. 😉
As you can observe, the INCI shows good ingredients but of course the presence of parabens is evident. Read more about parabens here.
If we read the last ingredients we will notice two compounds: methylparaben and ethylparaben. Nowadays there is a big debate about parabens. They are widely used as preservatives in cosmetics due to their antimicrobial and fungicidal action. However, in 2004 a preliminary study investigated their potential danger on the human health.
Even though there’s absence of univocal results, parabens are now considered from many people as dangerous. The European commission with the Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 claimed:
[..] methylparaben and ethylparaben are safe at the maximum authorized concentrations
Isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben, phenylparaben, benzylparaben and pentylparaben were banned by Commission Regulation (EU) No 358/2014 ( 7 )
FDA, The Food and Drug Administration – federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, claimed
FDA scientists continue to review published studies on the safety of parabens. At this time, we do not have information showing that parabens as they are used in cosmetics have an effect on human health
Of course to buy or not a product with methylparaben and ethylparaben is up to you. Anyone is free to choose the right product from the shelf of a supermarket but it’s better to be informed and then make a decision.
From my point of view, the hand cream is a good cheap option. It is not in my “wow product” list but it’s a good cream. In a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is the lowest point and 10 is the highest
I will give…..
6 1/2
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