Month: July 2020


Oatmeal soap recipe

Making soap at home is a fun and creative hobby. To create something unique, I decided to formulate a hand soap that was gentle on the skin, and with a slightly exfoliating effect. The result was to formulate a recipe for a delicate oatmeal soap. Click here and discover how to do it at home! 🙂

body lotion for summer with aloe vera

Skincare for summer | DIY Body lotion with 2 ingredients

When the days get hot taking a cold shower or looking for the shade of some trees is a relief. When temperatures soar, our skin starts to dry out but moisturizing it can become problematic. How many of you are willing to spread oils and butter after a refreshing shower with outside 35-40 °C (95-104 °F)? I’m not one of them. In summer, I need something to hydrate my skin without greasing it. That’s why I created a simple DIY body lotion for summer using only two ingredients: aloe vera gel and sweet almond oil, very simple and effective. I’ve been using it for about a month and I decided to share it with you because it’s really top quality!