A Sustainable Approach to Beauty: Creating DIY Lip Products

In recent years, I’ve embarked on a journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle, and one area where I’ve found great satisfaction is in DIY beauty care. Not only is it a fantastic way to reduce the use of commercial products filled with chemicals, but it also allows for savings and ensures you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin. Recently, I hosted a workshop on creating DIY lip products, specifically DIY lip scrubs and DIY lip balms. Today, I want to share with you some of the recipes for lip scrub and lip balm that we created together. I hope these recipes inspire you to try making your own lip products at home and embark on your journey towards a more sustainable life.

affiliate disclosure: this post contains affiliate links about products that I tried and recommend. By clicking through them and making a purchase, I may receive a small commission WITHOUT any additional cost to you. 


DIY Lip Scrubs

DIY lip scrubs are essential for keeping lips soft and smooth, especially during the colder months when they tend to dry out more. Creating a natural lip scrub is simple and requires only a few natural ingredients that you probably already have at home. One of my favorite lip scrubs is the chocolate and sugar scrub because it not only gently exfoliates but also moisturizes the lips, leaving them soft and smooth.

Chocolate Lip Scrub



  1. In a small bowl, mix the sugar and chocolate until you get a smooth paste.
  2. Add the almond oil and continue to mix until all the ingredients are well combined.
  3. Apply a small amount of the scrub to your lips and gently massage in circular motions for about a minute.
  4. Rinse off with warm water and pat your lips dry with a towel.
DIY Chocolate Lip scrub

This lip scrub is perfect for removing dead skin cells and preparing the lips for the application of a moisturizing balm. You can use it once or twice a week to keep your lips soft and smooth. If you want to learn more about creating customized lip scrubs with natural ingredients, I invite you to check out my online courses. In the courses, I delve into the theory behind ingredient selection and provide many more recipes for you to try.

DIY Lip Balms

After exfoliating the lips with a scrub, it’s important to moisturize and nourish them with a good DIY lip balm. Making a natural lip balm is straightforward and allows you to customize it according to your fragrance and consistency preferences. One of my favorites is the beeswax and shea butter lip balm, which is incredibly nourishing and leaves the lips soft and hydrated.

Beeswax and Shea Butter Lip Balm



  1. In a saucepan, melt the beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil over a double boiler, stirring continuously until all the ingredients are completely melted.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the drops of essential oil, if desired.
  3. Quickly pour the mixture into small lip balm containers or tubes and allow to cool completely before using.
lip scrub and lip balm made at home with natural ingredients
Homemade lip scrub and lip balm

This lip balm is ideal for deeply moisturizing the lips, especially during the winter months. You can also experiment with different essential oils to customize the scent of your lip balm. To learn more about creating customized lip balms and how to choose the best ingredients for your specific needs, I recommend taking my courses. In the courses, I cover various aspects of product theory and provide many more recipes that will help you create a complete range of skincare products sustainably.


Making DIY lip products is not only fun and rewarding but also a great way to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. By using natural ingredients and reducing waste, we can do our part for the environment and take care of ourselves more consciously.

If you enjoyed making these DIY lip scrubs and DIY lip balms, I encourage you to further explore the world of DIY cosmetics. I’ve created courses that go into detail about product theory, how to choose the right ingredients, and many more recipes. These courses are perfect for those looking to deepen their knowledge and learn how to create a complete range of skincare products sustainably. You can find course details here.

Keep following my blog for more ideas and recipes on how to implement a more sustainable lifestyle through DIY. Every little gesture counts, and together we can make a big difference. Have fun and happy creating!

Additional Tips for DIY Lip Products

To get the best results with your DIY lip products, here are some additional tips that may be helpful:

1. Choose High-Quality Ingredients: When creating DIY lip care products, it’s crucial to use high-quality ingredients. Opt for organic plant oils or pure butters. High-quality ingredients not only enhance the effectiveness of the product but are also safer for your skin.

2. Customize Your Products: One of the best things about DIY products is the ability to customize them according to your needs. For example, you can add natural dyes to give your lip balms a touch of colour. I prefer to add only food colouring in my DIY lip products to ensure that, even if accidentally ingested, they are completely safe and edible.

3. Storage and Shelf Life: Make sure to store your lip products in clean, sealed containers. The shelf life of homemade products can vary, but in general, lip balms made with natural oils and butters could last up to six months if stored properly. Lip scrubs, on the other hand, should be used within three months. In any case, check if there are any changes in smell or colour, these could be signs of deterioration.

4. Experiment with New Recipes: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new recipes and ingredient combinations. Creativity is at the heart of DIY, and trying new ideas can lead to fantastic discoveries. If you need inspiration, my courses offer a wide range of recipes and advanced techniques that can help you take your creations to the next level.

5. Share Your Experience: Sharing your creations with friends and family is not only rewarding, but can also inspire others to take their own path to a more sustainable lifestyle. You can also share your experiences on social media. Tag me to show me your creations!


Making DIY lip products is not only fun and rewarding, it is also a great way to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. By using natural ingredients and reducing waste, we can do our bit for the environment and take care of ourselves in a more conscious way.

If you enjoyed making these lip scrubs and balms, I invite you to further explore the world of DIY cosmetics. I have created courses detailing product theory, how to choose the right ingredients and many more recipes. These courses are perfect for those who want to deepen their knowledge and learn how to create a full range of skin care products in a sustainable way.

Keep following my blog for more ideas and recipes on how to implement a more sustainable lifestyle through DIY. Every little gesture counts and together we can make a big difference. Have fun and happy creating!

Do you want to switch to natural without too much effort? Don’t miss my FREE natural skincare challenge! Grab it now!!

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