Month: March 2021

mango bar soap

Mango Butter Bar Soap

DIY soaps are among my favorite products. Particularly using the cold process method, you can create soaps with specific characteristics simply by carefully choosing oils and butter. In this recipe, I show you how to make a cold process soap using mango butter instead of shea butter. As you continue reading you will discover the recipe to create your own mango butter bar soap! Let’s go!

how to make infused oils

How to make herb-infused oil

Herb maceration is one of the most used techniques in do-it-yourself cosmetics. This technique allows the preparation of unique herb-infused oils with peculiar properties given by the chosen herbs. Herb-infused oils are easy to make, require only two ingredients, and can be used in many beauty recipes. In this post, let’s see how to make an herb-infused oil that is perfect for the skin.

DIY deodorant without baking soda

DIY Deodorant without Baking Soda

When you decide to create DIY products at home, the first desire is often to make an effective and natural deodorant. However, the recipes you come across online are often baking soda-based, which might be too aggressive for sensitive and delicate skin. It is possible to get around this obstacle and prepare a great DIY vegan deodorant without baking soda. Taking advantage of the antimicrobial and sweat-absorbing properties of certain ingredients, it will be easy to create our own DIY deodorant without baking soda. Check out the post for more info and details.